With green and white variegated leaves and raspberry pink blooms, this cultivar provides high contrast used as a hedge or foundation plant. Mature size is around 4' wide and tall. Varieties of Weigela Bush | Home Guides | SF Gate The trumpet-like flowers are very attractive to hummingbirds. Weigela florida (Old Fashioned Weiglea, Weigela) | North ... Zone 10: 30°F-40°F. 11 Great Flowering Shrubs for Sunny Locations - The Spruce Height/Habit: 4 - 6 feet. These plants are also quick growers, reaching their full size after just a few seasons. 1-Quart. Zone 3:-40°F- -30°F. americanum) for a wildlife or bird garden in full sun. Zone 11: Above 40°F Whether you need a tall variegated shrub for the back of the border, or a compact dark-leaved variety to frame a pathway, there is sure to be a weigela to suit. It grows to a height of 3 to 4 feet with a matching spread. Brighten your garden with this showy, flowering shrub. Height/Habit: 24 - 36 inches. This factor makes the Weigela a great choice for planting as hedges, as well as single or in groupings. Best of all, weigela is bulletproof — easy to grow and pretty tough. Small, bell-shaped ivory blooms flourish over this dashing shrub like drops of cream in black coffee and i. read more. Like the Azalea, no Rhododendron is hardy north of zone 4. These Zones encompass some of the most northerly regions of the United States, where a short growing season and low winter temperatures are the norm. Height/Habit: 4 - 6 feet. In spring to early summer, the shrub is decorated . Smaller varieties of Rhododendron, 'Yaku Princess' (Azalea) and the newer 'Firestorm' are also hardy up to zone 4. It is very hardy and again, bees love it. Emerging in early spring, narrowly ovate, mid-green leaves line the gracefully arching branches. All types have trumpet-shaped flowers that attract pollinating insects and hummingbirds. Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Shade. Height/Spread: Medium stature, 4-5 feet tall and wide. Crimson Kisses® blooms an abundance of bright red bell-shaped flowers, and has a compact form that keeps it well behaved in your landscape. Rosy-pink flowers add a touch of romance when displayed against the dark glossy foliage. We include the species and varieties . Its tidy size makes a good choice for a full sun foundation or walkway planting. Sun Exposure: Full Sun. Three of the most species found in garden settings include Weigela middendorffiana with yellow blossoms, Weigela praecox with fragrant blooms and Weigela florida, which is by far the most common, with abundant production of many blossoms. In late spring to early summer, showy, ruby-red flowers are produced in great quantities and literally cover the foliage. Unfussy and adaptable, they prefer full sun, but can handle light or dappled shade and will tolerate clay and drought (but give them well-drained soil and adequate water and see the happiness). My Monet Weigela (Weigela florida 'Verweig') is a deciduous shrub with stunning green and white variegated foliage and pink flowers.This tiny mound of dark green-pink leaves is ideal for border plantings or perennial bed edgings and can be used as an accent plant or a dramatic mass planting. Form: Shrub. With its relatively low height, this weigela is perfect as a three-color thriller in a container or planted in a row to form a colorful low hedge or border. Its compact form behaves well among other plants, and the shrub avidly reblooms well into the autumn months. Shield them from strong wind, too, which can damage flowers and "burn" soft, new leaves. 4-5′ tall x 4-5′ spread Hardy in USDA Zones 4-8 Old-fashioned weigelas have gotten a makeover with this series of five strong reblooming cultivars. Here are three favorites. Flowers start out white and soon transition to pink, then . Although cold-hardy Red Prince Weigela is rated to zone 3 and zone 4, there is usually some annual dieback. Spread: 36 - 60 inches. 4-5 petals/rays. Flowering generously from May to June, weigela is a reliable, hardy, deciduous shrub. Zone: 4 - 8. For example, the Reliance peach tree bears peach crops as far north as Canada. The blooms continue all summer long, enhanced greatly by the distinctive green and white foliage. Introduced in 2015. Growing 4-6 ft. tall with a 5 ft. spread, Pink Splash Weigela is easy to fit into the landscape—and it provides months of eye-catching color. Sun exposure: Full sun (6+ hours sun) Height x width: 4-5′ tall and wide. Season long colour. The foliage is much darker than that of older varieties like 'Java Red'. Browse this convenient collection to find the best options in flowering and evergreen shrubs and vines for your Zone 3—4 garden. It is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 8 and prefers full sun in average well-drained soil. Each variety is selected for superior flower set and crisp, pure color. Most of the Weigela is hardy in zones 4 to 8. The brick red stems can be quite attractive. Its milky white blooms contrast nicely with midnight dark foliage. They emerge in spring a bright purple color, which quickly deepens to a rich, stable wine. New varieties grow in a pillar (columnar) shape or small rounded dwarf shrub form, so they fit in every garden. Nice hardy, low maintenance shrub that will brighten up just about any landscape area. Zone 3-8. They work well as a hedge or accent plant. Planting Instructions: Set plant at the same level it is growing at in the container. Common name: Weigela. Wine & Roses® Weigela. Weigela are beautiful deer-resistant, flowering shrubs. Why We Love It: This flowering shrub has exotic-looking flowers and loves full sun. They are excellent for creating privacy, screening unsightly features, growing below windows and more. It requires no pruning. This Korean-Chinese species has been grown in western gardens since the early 1800s and as early as the 1860s, the first larger-flowered selections started to arise. Loved by butterflies & hummingbirds, and gardeners alike, this versatile shrub will add value to any garden or landscape. Call 866-982-0431 for Availability and Pricing. Zones: 4-8. Colors can range anywhere from green and gold to deep burgundy while showing a glossy finish. Height 4 - 6 feet. With all the color and class of a baby grand piano, this weigela will slide into your garden and steal the show! Deer resistant. Hardiness: Clusters of 1-in, funnel-shaped pink flowers bloom from late spring into fall, attracting hummingbirds for months! Foliage color, flower color and size depend on variety and some are even repeat bloomers. Zone 3 & 4 Shrubs & Vines Browse this convenient collection to find the best options in flowering and evergreen shrubs and vines for your Zone 3—4 garden. Full sun is best for this plant, but a few hours of shade in the day, or a little dappled shade overhead, will have little effect, especially in hotter zones. Product Variant 1 Gallon - Sold Out 2 Gallon - $79.95 3 Gallon - $99.95. Roots need room to grow and only so much pruning for size is effective. New varieties of weigela can grow anywhere from 1 to 6 feet tall. Space plants at 4-foot intervals. Suzanne will bloom with masses of pink and white flowers on the same plant. These Zones encompass some of the most northerly regions of the United States, where a short growing season and low winter temperatures are the norm. Weigela Florida grows to 10 feet (3 m.) in height and 10 feet (3 m.) across and around, so leave that much room when planting the small shrub from a 2 gallon (8 L.) pot. Suzanne is a nice form of variegated (white and green striped leaves) weigela. The bright red blooms of the Crimson Kisses weigela add a nice burst of color to your landscaping. Varieties to Try: White Pillar, Lil Kim The plants arrived earlier than I expected. With no serious insect or disease problem, Minuet is a "no spray required" plant. Flower Size: 1-3 inches. Nice hardy, low maintenance shrub that will brighten up just about any landscape area. "My Monet" ( Weigela florida "Verweig" My Monet) is another compact variety that only reaches up to 18 inches in height in USDA zones 4 through 6. Color: Rose-pink flowers, dark purple leaves. Zone: 4 to 8. The bushes typically grow to a height of 1 to 6 feet tall, and similar width. Weigela is a genus of about 12 species of spring-flowering, multistem deciduous shrubs that are quite willing to accept pruning. Weigela. Regular price. Weigela florida 'Gold Rush'. Representing some of the best weigela breeding the world has to offer, the Czechmark® series comes from the Czech Republic. The lipstick red flowers are remarkable enough to make this a choice selection, but a burst of flowers in May followed by waves of rebloom until frost make it a must-have shrub. Form: Shrub. Growing 4-5ft high and across, there are two main divisions: varieties of Weigela florida and a range of hybrids. The most important species is Weigela florida, a 3 m shrub hardy to zone 5 and milder regions of zone 4. Plant as a single specimen, or plant as a very colorful hedge. Zone: 4 - 8. Again, a few varieties have been bred to withstand the northern cold. Because many of the Weigelia rebloom you have to decide whether shape and the reduce in size is more important than the potential rebloom, its up to you. Zone 4:-30°F- -20°F. Late-blooming varieties, like Intrepid peach, avoid late spring frost zaps that limit fruit production. An excellent, dark red flowering variety with abundant blooms that resist fading. My Monet weigela is the perfect shrub to add to your perennial garden for foliage and flower color. Flowering Date: Late spring into fall. In colder zones it should be grown in a sheltered, sunny spot to bloom well, but its stems are normally hardy, with little or no winter damage. . Watch for blooms in spring and summer and for the foliage to drop by winter. The color contrast is striking, while the foliage provides spectacular color all season long. The shrub's compact and multi-stemmed form offers a striking contrast of pure white blossoms and dark burgundy-green foliage. These plants are native to China, Korea, and Japan, but they can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 10 and provide food for pollinators like bees and butterflies. Size: This showy shrub will add pizzazz to your borders with its charming deep rose blooms and elegantly etched green and white foliage. They are adorned with creamy-white edges, some pink flushing, all with a fine pink ribbon along their edges. Flower Description: The flowers are white, pink and red trumpet-shaped being 1.25 inches long that bloom profusely in spring, with sparse and scattered repeat bloom, often occurring in mid to late summer. And the profusion of flowers bloom throughout the summer and into the fall. Color is bright red - fading to a very dark pink in the throat of the bloom. A hardy rebloomer developed at Iowa State University. 1 Gal. See more ideas about shrubs, plants, garden shrubs. Planting Instructions: Set plant at the same level it is growing at in the container. Clustered blooms appear with deciduous foliage in spring or summer. Spread: 5 feet. Inflorescence is cymose, axillary, blooms in late spring. In zones 3-8, it is an annual plant, which is handy because perennials and annuals work wonders together. It contrasts beautifully with the rosy-pink . They are adorned with creamy-white edges which gradually mature to soft pale yellow. Spread: 5 feet. This plant may flower sporadically during the summer into fall. Weigela middendorffiana - this variety has bright green leaves with pale yellow flowers, often with contrasting markings in the centre of the bell-shaped flowers. Clusters of violet trumpet-shaped flowers with white overtones and dark red throats along the branches in late spring. Flower color: Pink. Czechmark Trilogy Weigela packs a lot of flower power into a height of only 3--3 1/2 feet! Weigela is an undemanding deciduous shrub that is easy to grow, making it perfect for beginners and experts alike! Weigela bushes grow best with a moderate amount of supplemental water. Item # 27275. American Cranberrybush. Along with variation in sizes, weigelas come in many foliage colors. Showy, Compact Shrub. Weigela is hardy in zones 4 through 8. As with any perennial, be sure when selecting an individual plant that it will indeed work in your area. Botanical name: Weigela florida 'Bokrasopin'. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Buy Weigela middendorffiana from Thompson & Morgan; Weigela 'Looymansii Aurea' - this is a cultivar with golden-yellow leaves and pink flowers, that appear paler inside. Most varieties are hardy in Zones 4 to 8. Rosy pink flowers appear in late spring and often rebloom in summer. Super hardy! Item # 27275. Zone 4-8. Firm soil around roots and water in well. Caption Slender deutzia ( Deutzia gracilis ) This is another good match for the low, broad mounding form of Japanese barberry, normally 2-4 feet tall and wide but new ground-cover types (1-2 . In early summer, the shrub is decorated with clusters of soft rose . Up to 5 ft. tall and wide. Small, bell-shaped ivory blooms flourish over this dashing shrub like drops of cream in black coffee and i. read more. They are doing well where I planted them, still a few new blooms. Weigela florida is a deciduous shrub that has a rounded shape due to having a wider spread than height. Prune these spring flowering shrubs soon after they have bloomed. Planting Instructions: Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots without bending them.
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