South Platte River - Elevenmile Canyon - Angler's Covey South Platte River - Waterton Canyon SOUTH PLATTE BASIN Fishing Report. Flowing through the U.S. states of Colorado and Nebraska, it is itself a major river of the American Midwest and the American Southwest / Mountain West. USGS 06701900 SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BLW BRUSH CRK NEAR TRUMBULL, CO. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) documented peak stage, streamflow, or both from the flood event for 80 sites located on selected rivers and streams in the South Platte River and Fountain Creek Basins and on the Platte River in Nebraska. Rating. HA 730-C Surficial aquifers text - USGS Offering anglers over 100 miles of public access and easy walk wade fishing, the South Platte is a combination of three forks which have as their headwaters the 14,000 foot peaks of the Colorado Rockies. National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction ... Current River Flow Updates. There are limited sources for this water and the added amount can have effects on water quality, water quantity and aquatic habitat. Platte R. Blw Brush Cr. High groundwater levels were found in 17 to 33 percent of wells examined by decade, with the largest percentages occurring over three decades from 1963 to 1992. While a tailwater by definition, the Deckers section of the South Platte is another example of a Colorado river with considerable freestone characteristics the further downstream you head. Water is regulated based on seniority of water rights and delivered using a network of administration structures that includes ditches, reservoirs, wells . Visit Colorado CDSS Station search to get current and historical conditions for streamflows, diversions, reservoir levels, and groundwater levels. USGS 06710247 SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BELOW UNION AVE, AT ENGLEWOOD,C. Water-quality assessment of the South Platte River Basin ... South Platte River Tips & Resources. 3/5. South Platte - Pat Dorsey Fly Fishing SP-100 SOUTH PLATTE RIVER NR C-470 n/a: Site type Stream . South Platte: Waterton Canyon (Lite Report) South Platte River - Wikipedia The USGS partnered with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Denver Loch Vale is an alpine/subalpine catchment in the headwaters of the South Platte River Basin where USGS has conducted detailed hydrological, ecological, and biogeochemical research since the early 1980s. 173 cfs. The area described in this report consists of about 970 square miles in western Adams and southwestern Weld Counties in northeastern Colorado. Current River Flow Updates. The Dream Stream is highly sought after due to its trophy worthy trout, serene views and easy walk-in access. From Angler's Covey head west on US 24 W/Cimarron St, go 16.7 miles. South Platte River - Cheesman Canyon SOUTH PLATTE BASIN Fishing Report. 173 cfs. 22/39. Flow. Weather @SOUTH PLATTE BASIN - Updated January 03, 2022 - 10:12pm by OpenWeather. SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BELOW CHATFIELD RESERVOIR (PLACHACO) Station Type: Stream Station Details. The South Platte River originates in the mountains of central Colorado at the Continental Divide and flows about 450 mi northeast across the Great Plains to its confluence with the North Platte River at North Platte, Nebraska. You may find the very occasional cutthroat in here as well. Select options from drop-down menus or click watershed on map to view the line graph of the current water year The South Platte River Basin was one of 20 river basins selected in 1991 for investigation as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water- Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. Turn right at CO-67 towards Deckers, go 23.1 miles. Current River Flow Updates. Slight left at the town of Deckers and CoRd 126, go 3.0 miles. The river holds approximately 3,000 fish per mile and sight fishing opportunities abound. Historical River Flow River Information While a tailwater by definition, the Deckers section of the South Platte is another example of a Colorado river with considerable freestone characteristics the further downstream you head. Division: 1 Water District: Water-quality studies conducted by the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District have indicated that during low flow in segments of the South Platte River between Denver and Fort Lupton, concentrations of dissolved oxygen are less than minimum concen- trations set by the State of Colorado. Abbreviation: PLAGEOCO WDID: 2302936 Well Permit: USGS Station ID: 06696000 Cooperator ID: Drainage Area: 963 Contributing Area: Gage Datum: Station Location. South Platte River at Masters and 06759100 Bijou Creek near Fort Morgan and was decreased in scope at 06758500 South Platte River near Weldona owing to the tem porary suspension of planned reservoir construction. The South Platte River is known for the extremely well off population of brown and rainbow trout. The Charlie Meyers State Wildlife Area, A.K.A "Dream Stream" is a tailwater section of the South Platte River situated between Spinney Reservoir and Eleven Mile Reservoir. The South Platte River (Cheesman Canyon to Chatfield Reservoir) The South Platte River is one of the best small tailwater fisheries in the world. This has been leading to some very warm water conditions on one of our favorite private water fisheries, Abell River Ranch. Available data for this site Click to hide station-specific text Station operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado Water . Ideal Days to Fish-1/2, 1/3 & 1/6. The South Platte River Basin study, conducted as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program, combines information on water chemistry, physical characteristics, stream habitat, and aquatic life to provide science-based insights for current and emerging water issues in surface waters (streams, rivers, reservoirs) and ground . Denver Water is currently doing repairs on the South Platte River below 11 Mile Reservoir. Any seasoned angler will agree that the South Platte River in Elevenmile Canyon is the place to go for unparalleled beauty. SP-100 SOUTH PLATTE RIVER NR C-470 . 09/02/2008 14:28. Garbage above the South Platte River. The smaller/heavier nymphs mentioned below in sizes #14-18 are still working well for us. Elevenmile Canyon is also the place to go if you just want to catch a fish. 23 °F. Report Date: December 30, 2021. Rating. Any seasoned angler will agree that the South Platte River in Elevenmile Canyon is the place to go for unparalleled beauty. There is extensive flooding of agricultural land and inundation of structures and roads along the river. PLUM CREEK NEAR SEDALIA, CO. SOUTH PLATTE RIVER AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. HARVARD GULCH AT COLORADO BLVD. 10 USGS Station ID: 06701500 Cooperator ID: 06701500 Drainage Area: 1752 Contributing Area: 1740 . South Platte River - Cheesman Canyon SOUTH PLATTE BASIN Fishing Report. River Information. Date/Time. At this level, flows are on par with historical levels. USGS Site Number: 06701900, SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BLW BRUSH CRK NEAR TRUMBULL, CO; Alert threshold: Discharge (ft3/s) 100 or > 500; Alert frequency: Daily; . Below Strontia Springs Reservoir is the Waterton Canyon stretch of the South Platte. The Eleven Mile section of the South Platte river is easy accessed from County Road 96. Changed NESDIS id from "5146458A" to "515A4388" in system. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the cities of Littleton and Englewood, Colorado, studied the effects of the discharge of treated effluent from the Bi-City Waste Water Treatment Plant on low-flow conditions of the South Platte River. Live River flow Chart, Fly suggestions, and best days to fish.Fishing Reports The Dream Stream is roughly 3 miles of public trout water with average fish in the 14-18" range with fish over 20" not uncommon. The flood-producing storms followed a relatively wet period, and rainfall of as much as 14 inches in a few hours was reported. USGS 06701900 SOUTH PLATTE RIVER BLW BRUSH CRK NEAR TRUMBULL, CO PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION Available data for this site Click to hide station-specific text Station operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado Water Science Center, as part of the USGS National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP). The locations and other information in this database have not been verified for accuracy. 7 mph. It should be assumed that all mines are on private property. Per mile this stretch of river seems to consistently hold more fish than any other river within an hour's drive from Colorado Springs. Latest Update 12/31/2021--Flows are on their way down this week. Back cover photograph: Siphon irrigation in a sugar beet field, by David W. Litke, U.S. Geological Survey. AT DENVER, CO. Slight left at the town of Deckers and CoRd 126, go 3.0 miles. Bed-sediment and fish-tissue samples were collected in the South Platte River Basin to determine the occurrence and distribution of organochlorine compounds in the basin. Flowing through Colorado and Nebraska, it is a major river of the American Midwest, Southwest and Mountain West. About the MRDS Data: All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System. The South Platte River below Spinney Reservoir is known to most local anglers as the "Dream Stream." This tailwater doesn't have many holds over fish and is subject to high wind speeds and inclement weather. Lewis wrote of the Platte, "by a boiling motion or ebolition of it's waters occasioned no doubt by the roling and irregular motion of the sand of which its bed is entirely composed.particles of this sand . SOUTH PLATTE RIVER ABOVE ELEVENMILE RESERVOIR (PLAHARCO) Station Type: Stream Station Details. Platte River Confluence is a High Potential Historic Site on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. ABV SHREWSBURY GULCH NR WESTCREEK CO. Deckers Fishing Report-South Platte River, Deckers, Colorado. Elevenmile Canyon is also the place to go if you just want to catch a fish. Contaminants in the form of heavy metals move downstream, originating primarily from Hall Valley and Geneva Creek mining operations. Directions - 42.8 miles - 55 Minutes. However, the deepest point on the river is located at the South Platte River Below Union Ave reporting a gauge stage of 10.93 ft. South Platte River Basin Study Unit, contact: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division P.O. This is the case in just about every section of the South Platte. NAVTEQ, USGS, NRCAN, METI, iPC, TomTom Date:2/12/2016 Author:Denver Water Recreation Source(s): c2013 National Geographic USA_Topo_Map;ESRI_StreetMap2010,CDOT Major Roads, Denver Water SDE Trailhead South Platte River Access: Deckers to Buffalo Creek Weather @SOUTH PLATTE BASIN - Updated December 27, 2021 - 5:05am by OpenWeather. Box 25046, MS 415 Lakewood, CO 80225 The South Platte River flows out of Spinney Mountain Reservoir and into Elevenmile Canyon Reservoir, a stretch of the river known as the Dream Stream for its epic fishing. Monitoring provides high-quality, long-term data that are used to analyze trends in climate, 3/5. The spring and fall have been the Dream Stream's saving grace because of the spawns. Trout have been naturally skittish this week as flows decreased but they're starting to settle in. Please consider catch and release on all fish caught in the area. Turn right at CO-67 towards Deckers, go 23.1 miles. The road consists of pull-offs and designated parking lots making it easy to jump in and out of the car to fish different sections of the river. Staff administer water rights for water users, measure water flow and maintain gaging stations, ensure interstate compact and agreement compliance, inspect dams to determine safe water storage levels, and maintain water records within these basins. PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION. 22/39. The task order was issued by the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC), under their Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC) on November 14, 2013. Nr Trumbull Co USGS 06701900: 91 cfs Streamflow: Gauge Height: Air Temp: Elevation: Castle Rock 1.7 Ssw Snow Sensor CO-DG-62: 0.09" Snowpack: 24hr Change: Air Temp: Elevation: South Platte River At South Platte . Per mile this stretch of river seems to consistently hold more fish than any other river within an hour's drive from Colorado Springs.
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