The rest of England, all of Wales and most of Scotland (south of Inverness) - £50. by Jack Ward, Top 10 Sires by Registration Western Breeders’ Bull Test Sale GV L1 Domino 777 – 25 units – $15.00 ea. Aged herd sires The American Angus Association is the nation’s largest beef breed organization, serving more than 25,000 members across the United States, Canada and several other countries. Select Sires carries VPI Limited Edition J921 (Feltons 517 is his sire and KCF Victor 08N is grand sire) I used this bull on my angusx cow. Sires We always have a good selection of Polled Hereford Calves both Bulls and Heifers for sale, from a wide range of genetics. – It’s rare to find a bull that captures one’s eye on paper and in the pasture. Ingram Angus Production Sale December 12th, 2021. April 8, 2021. Pure Perfection Spring Edition – Presented by Perry Show Cattle & Schrammel Cattle Co April 7, 2021 Bull bred heifers were exposed to calving ease registered Hereford bulls and are due to calve approximately February 28th. KT BUILT TUFF 1010. Charolais Bulls. Select Sires Inc. is a federation of nine farmer-owned-and-controlled cooperatives. This index has significant weight on Carcass Weight to ensure profit on the rail. Select Sires provides quality dairy and beef genetics, quality farm products, extensive genetic research and genomic testing on their sires. Great combination of Calving Ease, phenotype and performance. Whether you need bulls, steers or heifers, Herefords will give you excellent feed conversion, hardiness, fertility, growth, plus the famed Hereford temperament that can help reduce costs. Klondike West 84F – 5 units – $18.00 ea. Domino/King bulls chosen for docile nature & versatility. The use of a naturally polled bull from naturally polled ancestors over horned breeding cows should result in the birth of polled calves. Bulls are A-Id with good EPDs. Katpau said: My friend was planning to AI her heifers to the Hereford bull, Small Town Kid, next week, so she went to look at his current EPDs. MRRherefords":zn95k68h said: As was said above, I don't know if you want horned or polled, but KCF Bennett Encore Z311 is a good sire and we AI'd to him this year. We evaluate every animal, looking for the ones with the most potential to advance the genetic legacy of the Hereford line and amplify desired Evergreen traits. Fort Scott Livestock Market (Fort Scott, KS) reports 32 Heifers (623 lbs) @ $148.50 (01/01 2:57 PM CST) Heifer Prices - Heifers All Weights Comments: 59 Hereford Bulls averaged $5,809. Semen tested fall yearlings have spring yearlings also not yet semen tested. Top Sires is an independently owned semen company, built to supply only the elite genetics to the beef industry, especially the show steer and heifer market. sire B’s calves. of Calves are Other. Developed in large traps with limited supplementation. Start Calving. Including a few that would reduce or moderate frame. TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T. Location. The Top Ten List Features the Top Bulls from the Select Sires Angus Lineup in each of 16 traits. Simmental bulls are out of Optimizer from select sires. Because we also run a thriving beef business, we are very selective about which cows and bulls are retained intact for breedu001fing. These sires were selected by focusing on component and milk yield, milk quality, udder health as well as functional udder traits. Made Right semen, as of June 2009, is now only sold twice a year. ... of Calves are 100% Hereford. Let a Cain Bull be a Baldymaker For You! SHF HORIZON D287 H022 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} SHF TIME 001A D81 – Dam of H022 If the bulls used on first-calf heifers have averaged a +6 for the CED EPD for several years and you have yet to pull a calf, then a +6 CED bull is a safe option. He stacks a pedigree of breed greats with Hometown, Time's A Wastin and Prospector. Phone: 701-674-3152 • Fax: 701-674-3692 • Office E-mail: GUARANTEE - All bulls will be semen tested and examined to be sound and guaran-teed breeders. These are commercial Herefords that belong to the farm I work for. Select and save the bulls to use in the future. Hereford Semen For Sale: SB10-1557. These 2 are definitely the best of the bunch. KT SMALL TOWN KID 5051. Polled Hereford Bulls, Females, Genetics are always available, we are Happy to flush any Hereford Females to Selected Sire. We always have a good selection of Polled Hereford Calves both Bulls and Heifers for sale, from a wide range of genetics. This gives our customers a good variety of outcross Bulls. 2. CH Domino 359 – 91 units – $20.00 ea. Flawless in his skeleton, he sires super sound offspring. Calving ease (CE) relates directly to the bull's pressure on birth weight. UK Sires Direct delivery regions are split into three zones. The Hereford and Charolais sire options were pretty exciting as well! Angus,Simmental and Hereford Bulls - $1 (Grayson Ky) Angus bulls are Schaff and Gar breeding. SITZ RESILIENT. Selecting balanced EPD profiles that will help you achieve your goals whether you sell you calves by the pound or on the rail. Producers must be willing to work with a trained veterinarian to collect the following data: ReproductiveTract Scores collected at a pre-breeding exam 30 to 45 days prior to the start of the breeding season. Selection is limited to Select Sires/Accelerated Genetics, because our local rep is the one that will be doing the AI'ing. The app, a full-service sire search mobile application, is easy-to-navigate and available at no cost on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. So if you're not already getting the whiteface advantage, now is the time to buy Herefords. 22. We offer FREE standard delivery and handling to UK Mainland (Excl. Breeding Stock. This female is, without a doubt, going to be a maternal powerhouse with a little extra flare. Sires are Reg. swanvale phantom p811 (ai) (h) edr mojo (h) kaludah stormboy m579 (ai) (h) ironbark h333 advance m157 (ai) (h) swanvale phoenix p824 (ai) (h) warringa google g23 (h) mawarra emperor (ai) (et) (h) cl 1 domino 955w (imp usa) (h) hh advance 1098y (imp usa) (h) hh advance 5345c (h) ironbark storm m194 (h) His daughters are moderate framed, easy fleshing, with excellent udder quality. Also FTF Prospector 145Y is a great option and semen is not real expensive. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Igenity Beef was launched in 2018 and updated in 2020. Klondike West 84F – 5 units – $18.00 ea. Anyway, John bought a bull. May 17, 2021. The value of British White Bulls as sires of beef cattle, are worthy of note by livestock farmers. 33 were here. Hereford Bulls. Learn more He’s high for DOC, HP, CEM, sires the right-size in terms of frame and he stamps his daughters with superb udders. Ehlke Herefords is dedicated to producing the Top Hereford Sires in the industry that balances Muscle, Volume and Eye Appeal with Performance, Carcass Quality and EPD profiles to lead the industry.. To achieve this goal… AJAX 8885. Red Sire Lineup for April 2016. by admin | Jun 9, 2016 | Dairy News. Upcoming Sales. -. Proudly presenting a Hereford herd bull battery setting the New Trend for Herefords based on proven Traditions. Ehlke Hereford Sires. Thank you for making Select Sires your trusted genetic partner. For all your genetic needs, please contact your local beef specialist below. Griswold Cattle Classic Huth FTF Torque C002 - Select Sires Beef 14HP1043 HUTH FTF TORQUE C002 TORQUE covers all the bases for economical beef production with breed-leading growth and carcass merit. Select Sires has identified sires that transmit the desired traits for robotic milking systems. They were acquired as feeder calves. He is best described as moderate-framed, square-made, soft-bodied with good feet and sound structure. . These Herd Bulls let you choose Herefords with traits for your specific needs: This curve-bender sire ranks in the top of the breed for CED and carcass traits. 7HP111 ALL AMERICAN 43379421 | Logic x Tug Ranks exceptionally high for a multitude of traits of economic importance. Today our entire cowherd has been born and raised on our ranch. Fav Naab Code Reg No Reg Name Short Name Naab Sexed Naab Conv Female Male Cert CE BW WW YW SC MILK M&G MCE MCW REA MARB BMI BII CHB Sire Name; 203HP01605: HPUSA000043601153 Highlands and islands) when ordering 50 straws or more. (Salisbury, MO) Sorted by calving date, AI bred heifers due February 7th to Select Sires Angus stud ACC Bourbon 0115. Bulls Supplies Choose a breed Angus Belgian Blue Brahman Brangus Charolais Gelbvieh Gir Leitero Girolando Guzera Limousin Nelore Polled Hereford Red Angus Senepol Simmental Wagyu {{ … Hoffman Ranch Spring Bull Sale February 18th, 2022 The American Hereford Association is second-largest U.S. beef breed associations with more than 7,000 active adult and junior members. Hereford +21 Simmental +22 SimHybrid +22 Shorthorn +19 +19 Cattle Visions 13015 South 63 Hwy. Hereford Sires. Limitations and Conditions of Sale. of Calves are 100% Hereford x Red Angus. SELECT SIRES INC. Our Mission: To enhance the productivity and profitability of dairy and beef producers, Select Sires is committed to be the premier provider of highly fertile, superior genetics accompanied by effective reproductive- and herd-management products and services. This gives our customers a … Select Sires is excited to announce the new Select Sires Mobile app is here! The high selling bull at Sitz Angus Ranch. Commanding a purchase price of $165,000. Gary and Kathy’s greatest joys in life come from seeing the youth of the cattle industry thrive and grow – wherever their careers may take them. Hereford Bulls. From Sandhill Farms, KS. Bieber Spartacus A193 - Select Sires Beef. Also offering a select group of winter heifer calves for sale. Will make moderate-framed, easy-fleshing cattle with shape and dimension. We began our purebred herds of Angus and Hereford cattle in 2005. SIRE: TH A208 49B EL DORADO 57D (#43694428) DAM: TH 8T 755T VICKI 260B (#43464719) 1 bull in the breed for registrations was a non-certificate bull with semen priced at $25. PLAIN CITY, Ohio, July 27, 2021 – With proactive intentions, the farmer-led boards and management teams continue to develop plans to ensure a bright, sustainable future for the cooperative. He is best described as moderate-framed, square-made, soft-bodied with good feet and sound structure. Our herd bulls consist of Herefords and Angus, . I thought it was this bulls sire but after seeing the picture of this bull I'm not sure it wasn't him. Hereford bulls are out of Sheyenne and All American from select sires. So, when selecting bulls this spring, keep in mind your customer and use the tools supplied by the AHA Select Sires Inc. is a federation of nine farmer-owned-and-controlled cooperatives. To order product, please contact us at: Select Sires, Inc. 11740 U.S. 42 North Plain City, Ohio 43064 Phone: (614) 873-4683 Has three Dams of Distinction in his pedigree. MDB Polled Herefords – High Desert Select Consignments. From my informal searching, Ellis Farms seems to offer the most information and choice in polled Hereford sires. Distribution. The Committee recommends promotion of the use of polled sires within the beef industry in Canada. Hereford Semen For Sale: SB10-1557. All other inquires such as products and services, please contact your local cooperative . Data-backed technologies help to tell the story of an individual’s genetic potential that goes beyond what you can see and measure. then select among those sires that meet all those criteria. Clark, MO 65243 1-866-356-4565 fax: 573-641-5273 About this sire directory.....All bulls are considered genetic defect free, unless noted..... Semen prices subject to change. We are also a leader for Top ranking Simmental sires with 6 of the top 20! CRR 109 CATAPULT 320. Their EFBEEF TFL U208 Tested X651 ET is with Select Sires and is a frame 4.4 and has impressive maternal and carcass epds: Buyer assumes all responsibility for use, storage, and handling of these products. gender SELECTed ™ semen processed by Sexing Technologies for Select Sires shall not be repurposed in any way. Power P+ Bull & Female Sale February 5th, 2022. The calves are by Lawsons Angus bulls and South Devon bulls from the Davelle stud, Jamestown, South Australia. Call for Price Video. #1. Producers looking to utilize profit indexes when selecting Hereford sires should first All claims, representations, and warranties, expressed or implied, are made only the company responsible for manufacturing and not by Select Sires Inc., its member coops, its agents or employees. Sires with low, or negative FAT EPDs are expected to produce leaner progeny than sires with ... Hereford bulls sire calves for the CHB market. Two Horned and three polled. The American Hereford Association is second-largest U.S. beef breed associations with more than 7,000 active adult and junior members. If customers were looking for bulls to use on heifers and exhibit tremendous spread from birth to weaning, 7CH91 Free Lunch and 7HP105 Durango both rank at least in the top 25% in their respective breeds for these traits as well. 16. 3. We offer FREE standard delivery and handling to UK Mainland (Excl. WCK Cedar 24C – 46 units – $10.00 ea. gender SELECTed ™ semen processed by Sexing Technologies for Select Sires shall not be repurposed in any way. Just had a great embryo heifer sired by him this year. GH Justa Banner 317J – 20 units – $35.00 ea. Bred To (Breed of Bull) Genetic Comments. Cows are expected to calve unassisted, re-breed on grass without grain and wean a calf. EPDs as of February 8, 2021. Gerber Karat 024K is another bull, CHH Pyramidx4 71D, Gerber Formula 11F and GAF Mr. Pacman 13C. Stout young bulls, 13 to 15 months old. 214H is reared by the high indexing 260B female out of the maternal giant, 57D, owned by Select Sires and Monahan Cattle Company. Apparently it showed his registration as being pulled, and when she called Select Sires to ask about it, she was told he was found to be a carrier of some defect. heavier at a year of age when compared to sire B’s calves. West Central Illinois. Select Sires continually collects conception data from herds using gender SELECTED semen to calculate sexed semen fertility deviations and removes bulls from the lineup that perform unacceptably. Limitations and Conditions of Sale. Of the three polled herefords there I liked him the best. Yearling Weight (YW) YW EPD is an estimate of post-weaning growth that is measured in pounds. GENEX PO Box 469 117 E Green Bay St Shawano, WI 54166; Call Us: 888.333.1783; Email Us: [email protected] Follow Us BEEF SIRE DIRECTORY Published annually for U.S. beef producers. ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: GENEX, PO Box 469, Shawano, WI 54166 888.333.1783 Here is the latest update regarding unification ⬇️. Some are junior show prospects. Top Sires. gender SELECTed ™ semen processed by Sexing Technologies for Select Sires shall not be repurposed in any way. click here for listing of EcoFeed™ designated sires. Violet Hills and Airlie bloodlines. Because we also run a thriving beef business, we are very selective about which cows and bulls are retained intact for breedu001fing. Bulls are built to maximize profitability and reduce problems. Select Sires led the way for Top ranking Angus sires but we have more to offer than just Angus. He defines maternal like a good bull should. The American Hereford Association is a … – Angus royalty that have proven to add performance and value year after year. We evaluate every animal, looking for the ones with the most potential to advance the genetic legacy of the Hereford line and amplify desired Evergreen traits. High fertility bulls with high libido can service 50 cows with no drop in conception rates. - Take a look at the impressive birth weight and weaning weight numbers on 320 - actual birth weight of 81, birth weight ratio of 93%, actual weaning weight of 673, and a weaning weight ratio of 103%. Carcass Weight. This gives our customers a … GROWTH FUND sons topped three different sales on Saturday with the highest going for $125,000 at Schiefelbein Farms in MN, $100,000 at Janssen Angus in IA and $55,000 at Riley Brothers Angus in WI! SURE FIRE is the premier Calving Ease and carcass bull in the beef business today. . Highlands and islands) when ordering 50 straws or more. SOURCE BOOK. Modest Calving Ease with excellent maternal value. #29. Darby & Annette Line 35355 Arrow Rd | Miller, NE 68858 | 308-627-5085 Simmental & Angus | Hawkeye, Hereford Semen, Iowa. COBA is proud to serve member-owner-customers each day. Limitations and Conditions of Sale. 9 Hereford bred heifers averaged $6,306. HOMOZYGOUS POLLED • … Semen Sires – GK Livestock – Dalby QLD – Performance Red ... WLE Uno Mas X549 - Select Sires Beef. May 5, 2020. The next year Dad saw John and asked what the new bull's calves were like. His pedigree is stacked for longevity and cowherd performance, backed by four generations of Dams of Distinction. Our herd bulls consist of Herefords and Angus, . 7HP114 TESTED A250 EFBEEF TLF U208 TESTED X651 ET | 43091736. Bill Hodge 770.605.6385. Our breeding begins with proven genetics with a large focus based on the maternal side of the bull. International customers can call (920) 921-5850 or email Breeding Method. Distribution. Sires that excel in a variety of maternal characteristics. 17 Shares. Check out our new mobile app on … Animal Search. Our breeding begins with proven genetics with a large focus based on the maternal side of the bull. He is a Trait Leader for marbling and CHB. Creating more pregnancies with GENEX PregCheck™ sire fertility rankings. With the focus on this phase of production, emphasis should be given mainly to 3 traits: CE, BW, and WW. $2,000. Creamed the best handful to try AI'ing, turned bulls in with the rest. Dams are high quality commercial... $1,100 negotiable. – His powerful dam is backed by the Select Sires cornerstone sires of WEIGH UP and 5050 and his third dam is the legendary 614 cow. Products listed are merely distributed by Premier Select Sires. $ 25.00. Black Hereford Ranch Sires. Products listed are merely distributed by Premier Select Sires. KT SMALL TOWN KID 5051. 755T, a sire whose daughters are his legacy. 1. Top 5 Best-Selling Bulls of 2020 | All West/Select Sires. Delaney Herefords and/or Atkins Herefords will be retaining a 1/4 semen interest for in-herd use only on all bulls selling unless otherwise noted in footnotes or announced sale day. West Central Illinois. What a day for 7AN528 GRWOTH FUND! I've mostly narrowed it down to Cuda, Small Town Kid, and Historic. TOP #10 SELLERS ANGUS SIRES. Randy Carpenter Hereford, TX (806) 543-1262 January 4, 2022. Southern Cattle Company is the product of the vision and passion of Mr. John Downs to produce genetically exceptional cattle to help increase commercial cattlemen’s profitability and improve genetics within the cattle industry. Limited Semen Available through Reed Enterprises. Select your criteria above to view, filter, compare active sires, and find the best bulls for you. Griswold Cattle Classic December 18th, 2021. Polled Hereford Bulls, Females, Genetics are always available, we are Happy to flush any Hereford Females to Selected Sire. #11. Reg. Hoffman Ranches takes a tremendous amount of pride in producing herd bulls that are fault free, low maintenance and highly functional for the commercial cowman. Progeny of these sires are included in this years sale offering 14AN426 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 7AN389 G A R SURE FIRE 7SM104 GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE 7SM80 CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A 7SM94 CCR … End Calving. All claims, representations, and warranties, expressed or implied, are made only the company responsible for manufacturing and not by Select Sires Inc., its member coops, its agents or employees. Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset (south of Bristol) - £40. The American Hereford Association is a not-for-profit organization. We are assuming that these bulls are most likely young and have low accuracies, or are not proven. Influenced by National Reference Sire tested and range proven sires. If a producer’s sires have DNA on file with Neogen, the company will provide parentage results at no additional charge. Oct 19, 2020. Over 70 Years of Genetic Progress With our experience COBA/Select Sires has become the professionals’ choice for superior artificial insemination techniques and stellar reproductive solutions. I'm currently trying to decide on an AI sire for the handful of Herefords on the ranch. As an illustration, consider a Hereford seedstock breeder whose bull customers typically cross Hereford bulls on Angus-based cows. This provides the strongest Commercial reason for use of British White Bulls on commercial cows; cows will calve easier, calves have higher feed conversion and efficiency and leaner carcasses as now demanded by the American housewife. Breeding Stock. Once in June at the Cream of the Crop Female Sale and again in October at the Bull Sale. $ 20.00 – $ 50.00. Buyer assumes all responsibility for use, storage, and handling of these products. Polled Hereford Bulls, Females, Genetics are always available, we are Happy to flush any Hereford Females to Selected Sire. At Select Sires, we take pride in Delivering More options for our customers to maximize profit. Landmark sire with powerful phenotype, outlier muscle-shape and scale crushing performance. The April to May-drop calves are all by Lawsons Angus bulls out of Angus and Angus-Hereford cross cows. We always have a good selection of Polled Hereford Calves both Bulls and Heifers for sale, from a wide range of genetics. He stacks a pedigree of breed greats with Hometown, Time's A Wastin and Prospector. They all should develop into productive cows. Fertility. Sale Report . 2021 AMERICAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION. GH Justa Banner 317J – 20 units – $35.00 ea. He is dark red, goggled-eyed and short marked. SOLD HH Advance A4001 – 2 amps – $30.00 ea. John said he hadn't had any because the old bull started working. Select Page. There is some pressure put The rest of England, all of Wales and most of Scotland (south of Inverness) - £50. Location. Mature Santa Gertrudis bulls weigh in excess of 900 kg and a mature Santa cow can weigh up to 750kg. 17. Dan Glenn dan@ 229.457.1136 Hereford - Select Sires Beef. 1 CMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET. 7HP124. 2 BOYD POWER SURGE 9024. 3 GO MASTERPIECE B76. 4 NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET. 5 SHF ECLIPSE Z115 E165. More items Our cow herd is the result of stacking multiple generations of proven AI sires well suited for high desert ranches in the western United States. Select Sires continually collects conception data from herds using gender SELECTED semen to calculate sexed semen fertility deviations and removes bulls from the lineup that perform unacceptably. gender SELECTed ™ semen shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer … gender SELECTed ™ semen shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer … Nov 21, 2017. 5 registered Hereford bulls for sale. Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset (south of Bristol) - £40. Increased profit from sires who will increase the Carcass weight and volume of product produced per animal. RobotPRO®. Today, GKB Cattle has grown to include over 2,000 head of Hereford, Angus, Brangus, and Brahman Cattle. Looks a lot like the bull I seen. feature eight polled Hereford bulls in our program,” says Brian House, Select Sires. The Cumming family, Jarrahlea Pty Ltd, Mayanup, will offer an annual draft of 140 Angus and Angus sired steer weaners. there is a select sires representative in your area. Select Sires Mobile. Leaving a legacy. Courter says genomic testing helps producers identify replacement heifers who inherit the best DNA from both parents. The bull lineup for Select Sires beef in 2012. WCK Cedar 24C – 46 units – $10.00 ea. 187HP5305 Wirruna JUSTIN J13 (AI) (P) 29HP0938 Wirruna MATTY M288 (AI) (ET) (P) 29HP0955 TARCOMBE MCLAREN Q203 (AI) (PP) 29HP0928 Mohican Bar Star REVVED UP 78A 29HP0951 Injemira ROBERT REDFORD Q287 (PP) The Certified Hereford Beef Index is a terminal sire index that is built on a production system where Hereford bulls are mated to mature commercial Angus cows and all progeny will be targeted for Certified Hereford Beef after the finishing phase. Owned with: Ellis Farms, SchuLar Herefords, Five J's Cattle Company. Sire Selection. CH Domino 359 – 91 units – $20.00 ea. Marbling. gender SELECTed ™ semen shall be used only for the single insemination of one female bovine during natural ovulation with the intent to produce single offspring unless specifically approved on an individual customer … Anything that didn't breed went on feed. Hawkeye, Hereford Semen, Iowa. Pure Beef Genetics 8618 S. Western, PO Box 675 Perkins, OK 74059 Email Us, Map & Directions SITZ DYNAMITE. Livestock, Beef Cattle - Bulls, Charolais. 1157 83rd Ave NE • Grace City, ND 58445-9240. Three two and half year old polled Charolais Bulls for sale. Warringa Kakadu K8 (H) Sires Top Price Bull at Lotus ... Brown Swiss Sires | New Generation Genetics. Power P+ Holiday Kickoff Sale – Duff Cattle Co December 9th, 2021. TOP SELLERS OUR CURRENT TOP SELLERS. they are worth economically and select for multiple traits at the same time.” — Randall Raymond Economically driven EPDs are opening the door for cattlemen to select bulls with the most favorable combination of EPDs to maximize profit. Fancy Spring Bred Heifers for Sale. The Hereford breeder might decide to seek artificial insemination (AI) sires that are in the top 25% of active sires for calving ease, weaning weight, For example, if sire A has a YW EPD of 100 and sire B has a YW EPD of 70, then you would expect on average if comparably mated, sire A’s calves would weigh 30 lb.
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