If you see someone you know on this list, please tell them to contact the TBCC. Tens of thousands of Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders don't know they have a trust account. The Department of the Interior has more than $65 million dollars in accounts to distribute to more than 48,000 individuals whose whereabouts are unknown. IIM account number Approximate date and amount of the last disbursement Are Your "Whereabouts Unknown?" Many people believe the BIA and OST will always know where they are. PDF In the United States District Court for The District of ... The Bureau of Trust Funds Administration for American Indians (BTFA) is looking for the following Whereabouts Unknown (WAU) individuals. These accounts are still open due to lack of information, no death certificates, no birth certificates, and Whereabouts Unknown. These WAU accounts total millions of dollars in potential settlement payments. (quoting Harry Barnes, Chairman of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council). There are 101,454 or 20% of the Class Members for whom there exists no deliverable address. Office Email Address: Email Enrollment Office. Only bound by his extreme feelings of #wanderlust. If that designation is incorrect or if you want to learn how to access the funds in your IIM account please call the OST beneficiary Call Center at 1-888-678 . 2) Trust Administration Class members - Had an IIM account recorded in currently available data in federal government systems anytime from approximately 1985 to Sept 30, 2009. 445 likes. Beneficiaries can utilize this site by entering their last name in the search field to determine if their name is on the Whereabouts unknown list. Mailing address: ATTN: ENROLLMENT OFFICE, P.O. Despite all of our efforts to maintain current addresses, we do not have addresses for those listed. He is not bound to any place. Land interest owner account information. The individuals named on these pages may hold money and/or land in IIM accounts but their whereabouts are unknown. estate account was set up for deceased tribal members. We refer to these account holders as Whereabouts Unknown or WAU. What a joke. If you are or you know an account holder whose whereabouts is unknown to OST, please contact OST and provide the information below. To inquire about your account, you may contact us at: Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians BIA Complex Bldg. As of January 14, the OST has verified more than 6,000 people on the Whereabouts Unknown list and more than $6.0 million in checks has already been mailed. This transition has reduced costs Fund Management (OTFM) has instituted a Whereabouts Unknown program. OST is seeking current addresses for Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders. Whereabouts Unknown Search Tool Tens of thousands of Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders don't know they have a trust account. In addition to Individual Indian Monies, the Office of Trust Funds Management administers Tribal Trust Accounts. And, today, the Indian trust undergoes a financial au-dit on a yearly basis. An estate account was set up for deceased tribal members. If you see someone you know on this list, please tell them to contact the TBCC . 916-978-6168 The deadline is approaching fast to file a claim and receive a settlement payment for the historic Cobell Settlement! These individuals are accountholders of record in the Individual Indian Monies (IIM) system. Beneficiaries in the trust administration class is anyone who had an IIM account recorded in currently available electronic data in federal government systems (Electronic Ledger Era) anytime from approximately 1985 to Sept. 30, 2009, or can demonstrate ownership interest in trust land or land in restricted status as of Sept. 30, 2009, according . People end up on the "Whereabouts Unknown" list for several reasons. The Special Trustee for American Indians oversees annual payments of $450 million for 300,000 Native Americans, but the whereabouts of 47,000 Native Americans eligible for payment are unknown. member's IIM account number. The next problem, common in Indian Country, is that Indian folks move a lot without changing their address and thus become a "Whereabouts Unknown." (1) Unless otherwise provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, minors' per capita shares, until the minors attain the age of 18 years, shall be retained in individually segregated IIM accounts and handled as provided in § 115.4 of this chapter. In addition to Individual Indian Monies, the Office of Trust Funds Management administers Tribal Trust Accounts. current addresses for Individual Indian Monies (IIM) account holders. Information needed to request OST forms: If you know anyone on the list who is deceased please let us know. Fax Number: (505) 552-7037. C. THE WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN LIST An IIM account holder is placed on the WAU list when his or her physical location is unknown by the OST. You may be able to file a claim if you had an Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account or if you owned land held in trust by the U.S. Government. During the first distribution, eligible payments were deposited into a Class Member's IIM Account. d) If you are the parent, son, daughter, or grandchild to the person listed on the Whereabouts Unknown, who has passed on, you will need to submit their death If you are or you know of an account holder whose whereabouts is unknown to OST, please contact OST and . If your name appears on this list, please call the Trust Beneficiary Call Center (TBCC) at 1-888-678-6836 or email ost_tbccfax@ost.doi.gov to update your Individual Indian Monies (IIM) account information. At this time, there are over 30,000 Class Members designated as Whereabouts Unknown and thousands more whose addresses on record with the Claims Administrator are not current. In fact more than $80 million is being held in trust for over 50,000 beneficiaries whose whereabouts are unknown. OST and Indian Trust. The Vize can be everywhere. All Whereabouts Unknown (WAU) accounts have funds to be disbursed to the rightful owner. The deadline to file a claim is November 27, 2017. Local tribal members missing out on Cobell checks. Main Contact Information: Phone Info: (505) 552-6654, Ext. IIM accounts may be unrestricted (i.e., the account holder has unlimited access . 1-888-678-6836 The office of the Special Trustee website is: www.doi.gov/ost This website provides the Whereabouts Unknown Surname search. When I contact the Indian Trust Account number (800-961-6109), they tell me that I have an IIM account, no s**t Sherlock. Whereabouts Unknown: Help Locate Your Record. a. TRB - Reservation or land area code b. CL - Identifies the type of account (A = original allottee, U = not original allottee, N = lineal descendant, L = life estate, dower or curtesy, or homestead interest for an Indian, B = life estate, dower or curtesy, for 13 account holders and sent the monthly account statements for an additional 303 individual IIM accounts to the trust accountant in the Juneau Area Office. When I contact the Indian Trust Account number (800-961-6109), they tell me that I have an IIM account, no s**t Sherlock. 1) Historical Accounting Class members - Had an open individual Indian money account (IIM) anytime between Oct. 25, 1994 and Sept. 30, 2009. Each of the categories has specific restrictions that are referred to in the MCT Constitution which governs six of the Ojibwe Nations in Minnesota. In fact more than $80 million is being held in trust for over 50,000 beneficiaries whose whereabouts are unknown. Utilized economies of scale by transferring the printing and mailing of IIM check disbursements to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Here's the thing. OST currently does not have contact information for ap-proximately 33,000 Indian Trust Benefi-ciaries . • Verified and updated the mailing addresses for 10,888 Whereabouts Unknown (WAU) IIM account holders with balances totaling $17.6 million. All Whereabouts Unknown (WAU) accounts have either interests in lands and/or funds to be disbursed to rightful owners. BOX 194, LAGUNA, NEW MEXICO 87026. Klamath Tribe currently has 188 Individual Indian Money (IIM) accounts for tribal members. The Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians maintains Individual Indian Money (IIM) accounts and is looking for individuals on the following list whose whereabouts is unknown. Whereabouts Unknown List: 26 KB: docx: Post-Offer Workshops Flyer: 489 KB: docx: Pre-Offer Downloads Buy-Back Program Presentation: 11.4 MB: pptx: IIM Accounts Presentation: 647 KB: pptx: Leases on Trust or Restricted Land: 13 KB: docx: CILS Services: 14 KB: docx: BIA Realty Alternatives to the Land Buy Back Program: 83 KB: docx The Purchase . Conclusion 4"Other" JIM accounts include (1) special deposit accounts intended to be used as However, it is not undisputedly clear from the language of Section 110 that tribal trust accounts are inclusive of tribal IIM accounts. completion. The Special Trustee for American Indians oversees annual payments of $450 million for 300,000 Native Americans, but the whereabouts of 47,000 Native Americans eligible for payment are unknown. 62 IBIA 347 to his/her funds), or they may be restricted through an administrative restriction, supervision, or encumbrance.1 See 25 C.F.R. 5771 or 5772 or 5773. additional 32,152 or 7% will have their funds wired in to an IIM account because they are minors, in restricted status, or officially designated as "Whereabouts Unknown" by Interior. Individual Indian Money (IIM) Trust Funds—Interior, OS-02. We would like to locate these Tribal Members/Descendants and get them to update their Individual Indian Money (IIM) account with a current address and telephone number. OST Seeks Current Addresses for IIM Account Holders a year ago Author: Author's name WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN (WAU) ACCOUNTS HAVE INTERESTS IN LAND AND/OR FUNDS TO BE DISPERSED TO RIGHTFUL OWNERS. This system also obtains information from members of the public, including individuals who make inquiries about Cobell Settlement payments, acquaintances of IIM account holders who may know the whereabouts of otherwise unknown locations of beneficiaries, depositors into and claimants against IIM accounts, individuals who lease, contract, or who . Aitkin Michael D. Individual Indian Monies (IIM) Accounts Tribal Operations assists members by processing Individual Indian Monies (IIM) applications and forms. Some of these accounts have more than $100,000 in them. An audit revealed at least $2.4 billion is missing or otherwise unaccounted for over just the 20-year period from 1973 to 1992, making an accurate reconciliation of accounts virtually impossible. Each local BIA Agency has a OST Fiduciary Trust Officer ("FTO") whose primary duty is to serve IIM account owners and locate individuals and update their addresses. Some beneficiaries were added to the list when mail was returned to Individual names appear on this list if correspondence has been returned by the post office or if an IIM account has been established with no address. "We want to get our WAU (whereabouts unknown accounts) to zero," Pafel said. IIM account of an heir or devisee, and is based on a contract that requires Departmental approval but has not been approved, the Administrative Law Judge is an "authorized representative" of the Secretary within the meaning of 25 CFR 115.9 for the purpose of considering whether the contract should be approved. whereabouts are unknown as of September 30, 2020 . . Letter requesting information at the OST table. whereabouts are unknown as of July 31, 2020. If you see someone you know on this list, please tell them to contact the Page 1 of 3 Labels: Claims Distribution, Te-Moak Tribe. 162a and . #4 BTFA maintains an Individual Indian Monies (IIM) account for these individuals that has either cash, land or both in the account. But it became clear that so many people sought claims confirmation after the set deadline that it was rumored settlement funds might have to re-distributed from the $1.4 billion earmarked for account holder payments. While held in IIM accounts, said shares shall be invested pursuant to 25 U.S.C. Whereabouts Unknown Whereabouts unknown (WAU) is the term used to describe Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders without current address information on file with the Office of the Special Trustee (OST). If you are on this list, please contact the Trust Beneficiary Call Cen- ter at 1-888-678-6836 or the Fiduciary Trust Officer at 505-563-3566. All Whereabouts Unknown (WAU) accounts have either interests in lands and/or funds. These accounts are still open due to lack of information, no death certificates, no birth certificates, and Whereabouts Unknown. That is all, they say, they can tell me. Whereabouts Unknown Search Tool. Today is the deadline for folks on the Office of the Special Trustee - Whereabouts Unknown list of IIM accounts that contain Cobell Settlement deposits - to file for your Cobell funds. to as "whereabouts unknown." Any person who has an incorrect address will be designated as "whereabouts unknown" and will have their funds placed in an IIM account. The Settlement Agreement stated that, except for persons who are a minor or TheVize. I believe that. However, the Settlement Agreement's provisions regarding funds deposited in IIM accounts for Class Members designated by Interior as "Whereabouts Unknown" ("WAU") provided guidance. Individual Indian Money (IIM) accounts for which the current address of the beneficiary is unknown are placed on a "Whereabouts Unknown" (WAU) list. contact information. wherabouts are unknown as of 02/25/2021. As of the end of December, she said there were slightly more than 83,000 WAUs with more than $110 million in those . IIM account holders, appreciates that tribal trust claims are preserved by Section 110(d) and that those claims will be unaffected by settlement of the class action lawsuit. These An audit revealed at least $2.4 billion is missing or otherwise unaccounted for over just the 20-year period from 1973 to 1992, making an accurate reconciliation of accounts virtually impossible. Despite extensive efforts to contact all potential claimants, there still remain several thousand Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders who are classified as "whereabouts unknown" (WAU). Some of these accounts have more than $100,000 in them. 2m Followers, 3 Following, 10.1k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Interesting Engineering (@interestingengineering) Whereabouts Unknown asks people to help match names from government documents to addresses so that money due to people can be assigned to the individuals in question. Click to open the list - it's a PDF file and is searchable If you know the whereabouts of anyone on the list we would like to speak with you. Email Addresses: Lorraine Silva or Barbara Analla or Kayla Carrillo. You can call the IIM Office at the Sells Papago Agency at 520-383-3281, or 520-383-3205, to get the account number. These WAU accounts total millions of dollars in potential settlement payments. That is all, they say, they can tell me. The Settlement Agreement states that, except for persons who are a minor or As with IIM, however, waste, fraud and abuse are rampant. Security Classification: Unclassified. 1,777 Followers, 438 Following, 444 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from WYDaily (@wydaily) The Confederated Umatilla Journal Monthly Print Edition for Thursday, September 7, 2017 § 115.701 (table). . However, the Settlement Agreement's provisions regarding funds deposited in IIM accounts for Class Members designated by Interior as "Whereabouts Unknown" ("WAU") provides guidance. The Department of Interior has set up a web site, http://www.ost.doi.gov/whereabouts.html, Then they tell me that I need to contact OST that handles IIM accounts @ 888 6786836. The toll-free number for OST's Trust Beneficiary Call Center is 1-888-678-6836. In fact more than $80 million is being held in trust for over 50,000 beneficiaries whose whereabouts are unknown. The Vize WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN. But not in a funny way. This is also used for the IIM account number. (a) The per capita shares of living competent adults shall be paid directly to them. Form OST 01-004 Individual Indian Monies (IIM) Account. Posted by Te-Moak Tribe News Blogger at 5:12 PM. OST is separately seeking current addresses for a number of IIM account holders whose whereabouts are current unknown, including some individuals who have had Cobell payment funds deposited to their accounts. Then they tell me that I need to contact OST that handles IIM accounts @ 888 6786836. In addition to Individual Indian Monies, the Office of Trust Funds Management administers Tribal Trust Accounts. Class Members include individual Indian Trust beneficiaries who had an IIM account anytime from approximately 1985 through Sept. 30, 2009, or who had an individual interest in land held in trust or restricted status by the U.S. government as of Sept. 30, 2009. completion. The 13 "whereabouts unknown" IIM accounts are discussed further in our response to issue 4. Owners with Individual Indian Money (IIM) ac-counts without cur-rent address infor-mation on file with OST are placed on the Whereabouts Unknown (WAU) list and are subject to miss out on land ownership opportu-nities. If you know an address, or have any information about any of these IIM accountholders, please write to: OFFICE OF TRUST FUNDS MANAGEMENT ATTN: WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN 505 MARQUETTE, SUITE 1000 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 Or e-mail the Project Coordinator The . The shares of minors, legal incompetents and deceased individual beneficiaries, enhanced by investment earnings, shall be held in individual Indian money (IIM) accounts unless otherwise provided as set out in this section. ANSWER: Checks were deposited in to IIM accounts for those deemed to be incompetent, under disability, a minor or whereabouts unknown based on the records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Department of Interior also. 7,326 people from Red Lake, Leech Lake and White Earth on Whereabouts Unknown list. His whereabouts are. Should it be determined that the funds are to be invested pursuant to a trust, minors who will . BEMIDJI -- Tribal members nationwide starting receiving Cobell settlement checks in the past few weeks from what has been dubbed one of the largest lawsuits ever against the federal government. Contact the local OST office at: 916-978-6045. Established by the American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-412), OST was created to . OST is seeking current addresses for Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders. You may have an Indian trust account you don't know about or you may have settlement moneys owed to you from the Cobell v. Salazar settlement. (63) The OST uses several methods to reconcile the WAU list. what it called the "Whereabouts Unknown" ("WAU") list.3 In December 2009, at the time of settlement, there were 82,638 Individual Indian Money ("IIM") account holders on the WAU 2 Id. Attached is a list of enrolled members of the Cocopah Indian Tribe with Individual Indian Money (IIM) accounts who are on the Whereabouts Unknown list. (62) A name will be added when mail is simply returned to the OST or when an heir to a trust estate cannot be found during probate. As of June 1, 2019, there were 60,679 IIM beneficiaries are on the list. Individual Indian Monies (IIM) account holders who receive disbursements from their trust accounts are able to use their funds more quickly through the use of Direct Deposit. OST maintains an Individual Indian Monies (IIM) account for these individuals that has either cash, land or both in the account. If your name appears on the list: Please call the Office of Special Trustees at (218) 751-4338 or 1-888-678-6836 to update your account. The Special Trustee for American Indians oversees annual payments of $450 million for 300,000 Native Americans, but the whereabouts of 47,000 Native Americans eligible for payment are unknown. These funds will remain as IIM accounts with the Office of the Special Trustee (OST). No comments: Post a Comment. A recent Government Account-ability Office report studied these audits, OST is separately seeking current addresses for a number of Individual Indian Money Account holders whose whereabouts are currently unknown, including some individuals who have had Cobell payment funds deposited to their accounts. These payments were placed into existing IIM accounts or into new accounts established for such purpose. Check the list To view the list of people with IIM accounts but whose whereabouts are unknown, visit www.indiantrust.com and click on the Whereabouts Unknown map. for deposit to the IIM accounts of 31,994 Trust Administration Class Members who were Whereabouts Unknown, minors, or under a legal disability. Good luck with that, lines are ALWAYS busy. Despite extensive efforts to contact all potential claimants, there still remain several thousand Individual Indian Money (IIM) account holders who are classified as "whereabouts unknown" (WAU). . We are seeking current addresses for IIM account holders. you must contact the Office of Special Trustee to claim your Cobell Settlement funds. The system contains information about private organizations that provide contact information about individual Indian account holders whose whereabouts are unknown to OST, and records concerning corporations and other business entities, which . OST will send the accountholder the required forms to update the IIM account. Newer Post Older Post Home. Then there are the issues of estates and whereabouts unknown claims, a trust website said. If your name appears on this list, please call the Trust Beneficiary Call Center (TBCC) at 1-888-678-6836 or email ost_tbccfax@ost.doi.gov to update your Individual (IIM) account Indian Monies information. All unclaimed accounts have either interests in lands and/or funds to be paid to rightful owners. As with IIM, however, waste, fraud and abuse are rampant. Account holder's signature witnessed by someone 18 years of age or older. They won't! 63,834 beneficiary account addresses through this process. Available to anyone who has questions regarding IIM accounts. If your name appears on this list, please call the Trust Beneficiary Call Center {TBCC) at 1-888-678-6836 or email ost_tbccfax@ost.doi.gov to update your Individual Indian Monies (IIM) account information.
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