Because Clone Wars cost too much to make ($1mil+ an episode) and basically wasn't making a profit. It very well should be, because whenever we get something that's new for it, the universe is always expanded. Gaming is evolving, and not necessarily in a good way. Rebels was a good series if under-budgeted and told interesting stories, and now they have whatever OP is, I literally only look forward to this part now. What I found was something much rarer than that. The Star Wars sequel trilogy is the third trilogy of the main Star Wars franchise, an American space opera created by George Lucas.It is produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.The trilogy consists of episodes VII through IX, chronologically following the prequel trilogy (Episodes I-III; 1999-2005) and the original trilogy (Episodes IV-VI; 1977 . You'll Never Guess How Much Money Star Wars: The Force ... Name the Price: Star Wars | HowStuffWorks However, they reportedly had to reshoot 70% of the movie, which lifted the price to $250 million. How much has Star Wars made all together? I went into this expecting another rehash of Star Wars lore, which would have been mildly entertaining. The success of the Star Wars franchise is due to . The Star Wars franchise provides the perfect battle between good and evil, with the dark side and light side of the force battling it out to provide balance to the world they live in, with Jedis and bounty hunters and everything else in between.. Could you share your earliest Star Wars memories with us? In 1977 Alec Guinness Demanded "Points" Instead Of Salary ... The best way I can describe the movie is that it was an amazing Star Wars movie, but an ok movie. As reported by The Drum, 'Star Wars' planned the release of novels and comic books before the release of the movie, subsequently creating . #2 videogames $4.7b. Return of the Jedi (1983) 8.63. then comes books on a cool $2b. The Star Wars franchise is one of the most successful in the world. WDWNT has some good info, but connects the dots to a path that isn't correct. Even more staggering is the $37 billion that Star Wars has raked in over . The first-ever big screen Star Wars spinoff boasts a solid claim as the . Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums . A limited edition set of New Zealand Dollar legal tender coins was released by the New Zealand Mint in 2011 in honor of the Star Wars motion picture series. I'll spend $1 100 times before I spend $50 once. I have hope for the future of Star Wars, but I'm hoping it doesn't come at the cost of the franchise's soul. This is far from the end for the film, as it is poised to reach $800 million over the weekend and it has $900 million domestically within its sights. In 2012, George Lucas sold his company Lucasfilm to Disney for the staggering sum of $4 billion. Star Wars makes tons of money at the box office, but even after it leaves theaters, it continues to be a money maker. Tom Gerencer Dec 12, 2016. I like Star Wars. "just need animation and lighting", those are among most expensive parts of production. The 7th Star Wars . $1,554,475. All together, Star Wars movies have pulled in $8.9 billion at the worldwide box office. Taken together over its 30 years of cultural dominance, the Star Wars franchise has earned more than $22 billion.". Another figure in late 2011 put the total Star Wars franchise value at a . The Star Wars series has spanned 43 years and brought in more than $10 billion at the box office. $108,435,841 Advertisement. Answer (1 of 9): This is from Statistic Brain Edit: The total amount is at the bottom • Star Wars : Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace $924,317,558 Star Wars : Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones $649,398,328 Star Wars : Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith $848,754,768 Star Wars : Episode 4 - A New. The galaxy of Star Wars is the biggest universe in all of fictional universes. As I am a F2P'er, I never really thought about how much crystals cost with actually money. Hollywood Studios Made A Change To One Of Its Star Wars Addition, And Coca-Cola May Have Been Involved 90 Day Fiance: Deavan Clegg's Boyfriend Clarifies Some Details About His Life Scroll To Start Quiz. Even from still photos, I knew Star Wars was different and special, and that blasted book actually made the wait for our midnight showing that much worse. Salary: ~$100,000 to $300,000. Yes, Hulk and Doom should close by the end of the year/beginning of 2016. But when President Barack Obama spoke of getting congressional leaders into . Granted, the entire weekend was a hard one for analysts to call with Christmas Eve on Sunday, but at $99M this morning Last Jedi only made $2.9M more than Rogue One did a year ago over the four-day Christmas holiday. Capturing the imagination and hearts of crowds worldwide, Star Wars is a fantastic feat of science fiction and fantasy.The Science of Star Wars addresses 50 topics that span the movies' universe such as battle technology, alien life, space travel, etc. Literally if you took away the fact that this was Star Wars we wouldn't be so over the moon with this movie, and be honest. Update: As of Jan. 4, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has made $1.39 billion globally, according to The Independent. Since George Lucas introduced the franchise with "A New Hope" in 1977, the "Star Wars" saga has defined how the blockbuster movie could earn Hollywood more money than it ever saw before, from its . In sum, Elstree 1976 is a pleasant evening spent with people not much older than those of us who saw Star Wars first-run, talking about things people our age can understand. $30 . Created by George Lucas', Star Wars is now among the highest grossing film franchises in the world with a total worldwide box office revenue of over ten billion U.S. dollars. Maybe LucasFilm was worth $4 billion after all. THE LIGHT On March 14, 1999, That '70s . It is commonplace in society. Star Wars. A few dollars here and there for skins, I'd pay $1 to change my sabre colour even though it's completely pointless, stuff like this will get lots and lots of money out of me as I enjoy it so much. Dec 12, 2016. Chris, Stan, thanks for joining us at RetroBlasting to talk Stan Solo Creations and Star Wars. The latest film in the "Star Wars" universe made its worldwide debut on Dec. 20. The films may have created one of the most iconic villains in movie history with Darth Vader, but in the same token, they have made some amazing . Our list below shows how much money every Star Wars movie has made. Created by George Lucas', Star Wars is now among the highest grossing film franchises in the world with a total worldwide box office revenue of over ten billion U.S. dollars.Nov 10, 2020 December 15, 2020. $21,554,680. Ever since the release of A New Hope in 1977, the cultural impact of the Star Wars has only been growing. RetroBlasting. Star Wars did a lot of the heavy lifting of taking the genre of science fiction from the realm of nerd stuff and into the mainstream, transforming the entire media landscape that followed it. April 29, 2015, 10:52 AM . Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Budget: $200M Domestic Box Office: $532,177,324 Worldwide Box Office: $1,056,057,273. Their worldwide box office gross is nearly $5 billion, which doesn't include disc and digital sales, sound track sales, merchandising, or TV money. How much money has Star Wars made all together? Ever since Star Wars: The Mandalorian premiered on Disney+ last year, fans have been obsessed with the delightful and adorable character affectionately referred to as Baby Yoda.Lucasfilm made sure . 2. It is too profitable, but beyond that, it is a tale of how the light will always triumph no. A color rendering of many of the main characters from the series. I actually moved to Berlin and Germany in 2015 and saw TFA at the Cinestar IMAX on Potsdamer Pladz on first viewing. Having used to be in a niche genre predicted to be unsuccessful, Star Wars is now a mainstream staple film that everyone knows about. The latest film in the "Star Wars" universe made its worldwide debut on Dec. 20. 1,340 . Which Star Wars has made the most money? I get . When "Star Wars" made it back into the theater in 1997, what was its opening weekend take? Answer (1 of 6): Yes. Movies general. Jill Mendoza. We talk all things Bounty Hunter, cinema shots & even cover special Star Wars languages. Las Vegas, Nevada. From Book 1: Discover the science behind the most popular sci-fi franchise of all time! (Josh) For the record, my six-year-old has Star Wars slippers and they are awesome. Star Wars franchise grossed at LEAST 4 billion dollars!Heres a very interesting chart of earnings: (In Millions) Name of Movie Domestic Earnings Overseas Earnings Total Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace $ 431.1 $ 494.4 $ 925.5 Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones $ 310.7 $ 337.6 $ 648.3 Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith $ 380.3 $ 468.1 $ 848.4 Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope . As any long time animator will tell you, producing animation is no walk to the ice cream parlor. We don't have the final Wednesday numbers, but it was announced that Star Wars: The Force Awakens has overtaken Avatar to become the All-Time Domestic Box Office Champ. I decided to look at the current pricing as I'm considering purchasing the nihilus pack when it comes out, and I realized for $14 (Cnd) you can only get approx. In 2015, he returned to Star Wars once again following Disney's acquisition of the rights to the Star Wars franchise. )The entire 7 film saga . How much did Star Wars The Force Awakens make in the box office? Toys $15billion. The franchise has made an estimated $5.3 billion through DVD and digital sales . "Star Wars" is bringing in a ton of money. How much Disney has made from Star Wars (so far): The #1 moneymaker. OK, so maybe he was mixing his "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" references. Made $37 Billion? Wars. 5y. Disney purchased the franchise from Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion in 2012. Sounds like a nice journey. Read More. Stan Solo Interview by Mark Telfer. $25 million. Like Christmas or Shakespeare, the epic space opera franchise will never die. The Harry Potter films have made a lot of money, . For Star Wars fans, a marathon of all the films is like a rite of passage, and with 11 total live-action films now, a Star Wars movie marathon is sure to be a significant, though totally worth it . Released just before the COVID-19 outbreak, the latest film of the saga . Walt Disney Co's (NYSE: DIS) "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" was good enough for the 12th-biggest opening of all . George was putting a LOT of his own personal money into it since it was a passion project for him. 8004. Disney has been a digit… Have you heard of this movie called Star Wars: The Force Awakens?It is very popular.It made, literally, over a billion dollars in two weeks, and has become the fastest film to reach the billion . Each site has explained that these totals only include film box office totals and don't . February 24, 2017 1:46AM. Lucasfilm Ltd. is the official licensee for the series. The year 1978 saw the release of the very first Star Wars film, "Episode IV: A New . I'm not sure that there has been a media franchise with as much baggage as Star Wars has. Although Hamill made only a brief cameo in The Force Awakens, he played a much . $55,031,604. According to other sites on the internet, the Star Wars franchise has earned about 4.3 billion dollars. 348 posts Member. The Something Awful Forums > The Finer Arts > TV IV > Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season II.5 - Bring Back Boba's Books Growing up as a huge Star Wars fan, he revisits his experience as a kid walking into the Empire Strikes Back Film and how another kid walked out! "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" is the movie that will remind jaded viewers why "Star Wars" is a tradition in Western culture. Monday, May 4, is Star Wars Day, named for the punny slogan "May the Fourth be with you." Disney . Here are some key takeaways. Remember they paid $4.05 billion for Lucasfilm in it's entirety. 10 ways 'Star Wars' changed pop culture. 2.066 billion USD Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Box office. All told, the . When we take a look at how each of the Star Wars films have performed at the box office, we can see just how big a phenomenon it has been. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, one of the most successful movie franchises of all time was born. It's overtaken Avatar to become the highest-grossing movie of . The Force Awakens showed us all that with the right person at the helm and the freedom he needs, there can be "good" Star Wars films. Of course we all know what came of Star Wars in the end, but the film was no easy task to complete. Industry experts expect the film to reach $1.5 billion. Maybe LucasFilm was worth $4 billion after all. The film was originally going to cost $150 million to make, making it the cheapest installment in the new Star Wars franchise. Star Wars: The Force Awakens The original film, Episode IV: A New Hope, including its re-release, made US$775,398,007 (adjusted for inflation, in todays figures, US$2,151,105,836.. $2b in todays terms! A new X-wing sim would make them hella money, and you could throw that together in much less time than Battlefield 5, or a loot-box fest like Battlefront 2. There are 4 Star Wars movies in the top 20; not a single Marvel movie is in the top 20 if you account for inflation. Gilly is a true Diorama and Scene Specialist, even from the young age of 10! Considering the massive popularity of that re-release and the . I also had my personal journey since around 2015, its been ups and downs in life, but as naive as it might sound - Star Wars has been a «friend» to rely on. We charge money because it costs us money per month for bills, and since we don't believe in showing ads to our users, we try to make the money back through forum registrations. Also, J.J. Abrams should feel free to exhale now. As far as Star Wars movies go, this is most likely the 2nd or 3rd best in the entire series. movies come in at #3 with $4.5b with dvd/blu on $4.3b. Without Star Wars there would be no Marvel Cinematic Universe, networks wouldn't have taken a chance on bringing . According to various news reports, as of fall of 2018 Disney has turned a profit off their Star Wars investment. Walt Disney Co's (NYSE: DIS) "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" was good enough for the 12th-biggest opening of all . The Star Wars series started in the late 1970s and has captured the attention of nerds and moviegoers in general ever since. Walt Disney and Lucasfilm's Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker earned an additional $15.1 million in its fourth weekend of release, dropping 56.2% from last weekend's $34.5 million weekend gross . Time recently put together a breakdown of how much each film cost to make vs. how much it made in the world wide box office, and it's PRETTY . (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Disney announced two days ago that their new plans, having previously purchased Lucasfilm for $4 billion, aren't just to make a new trilogy of Star Wars episodes, nor . That, is a lot of money. 'Star Wars' owes its initial success to its merchandise, which set the tone for the rest of the merchandise. By the time you finish reading this sentence, Star Wars: The Force Awakens will have made more money than you'll make all year. As a newcomer to the Star Wars franchise, Ridley, who plays Rey, made only between $100,000 to $300,000 for her first Star Wars film, 2015's . Including rentals, the figure jumps to over $12 billion. MARK TELFER: It's my great pleasure to welcome Chris Smith, founder and owner of Stan Solo Creations, and his son Stan. $3,764,478.76. Have you heard of this movie called Star Wars: The Force Awakens?It is very popular.It made, literally, over a billion dollars in two weeks, and has become the fastest film to reach the billion . It is said that the re-release of Star Wars in 1997 earned Guinness his highest salary to have ever been paid for a single movie. And how much money has "Star Wars" made for its creators? Adjusted for inflation, all 11 Star Wars movies have made $22 billion dollars. How much money did "Star Wars" rake in during its first weekend in theatrical wide release? Best Star Wars films by box office results. Submit. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story had a strong debut this weekend, earning $290.5 million worldwide and $155 million in North America.. As noted by The Hollywood Reporter, this now makes the release of . The numbers have reportedly started to come together as Star Wars: The Last Jedi has concluded its theatrical run, and it looks like things may have shaken out very well for Disney. The same can be said for Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and pretty much all of the Golden Age Disney animated flicks in general. You'll find fascinating explorations of the physics . Net Worth: $6 million. The merchandise sale alone makes a massive chunk of this number, seeing that it has raked $42.217B. The only slightly good part of star wars anymore, the reason being because Dave Filoni has a lot of say in the cartoon department, an apprentice of Lucas in star wars story telling. Accounting for inflation, Star Wars movies have made a lot more money. In this case, the right movie on the right release date became the first movie since Titanic to sell over 100 million tickets. Since the series has been around for decades, dating back to the release of the first movie in 1977, â Star Warsâ continues to â ¦ But we do know that the six main Star Wars movies made $4.5 billion, according to IMDb, plus the $6.6 billion in video games, home video, DVD and Blu-Ray sales, according to â ¦ First, Disney will have to .
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